On a foggy night, in a poorly lit London alleyway, the body of Sir Danvers Carew is found. A respected member of parliament found in the seedy Soho district? Something is afoot. The inspector from Scotland Yard is summoned to the scene. Whispers speak of a mysterious man, known only as Mr. Hyde, prowling the streets of London. Could this be his handiwork?
The story is told through the eyes of a man of reason. He is lawyer named Utterson; and, at the beginning of the novella, he is worried for his friend, Henry Jekyll a violent and odious man who is living in Jekyll's house. Despite Utterson's attempts to speak to his friend, Jekyll completely avoids the subject.
The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde reveals an intricate story of murder, forbidden love, and exploration into the human psyche. Follow the breadcrumbs in search of the enigmatic and elusive killer. Interrogate suspects, solve riddles, and examine the evidence to reveal the truth behind the mystery.
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