The last Final Fantasy for the PlayStation, Final Fantasy IX returns to the pure fantasy roots that spawned the series. This latest installment features highly detailed characters, vehicles, and environments, and breathtaking cinema-graphics. The addition of brand new features such as the story-enhancing Active Time Event system and the return of minigames that grant additional gameplay make Final Fantasy IX not only a memorable gaming experience, but also a significant step forward in the series.
This is the official E-boot from the PSN Store, it includes a 35 page instruction manual within the E-boot which you can access during the game by pressing the home button and selecting "software manual"
To Get this game to work
Gen 5.50 Users
1: Put the "SLES02965" folder in the "PSP/Game"
2: Make Sure you are using the M33 Driver otherwise the game will crash on warning screen
5.00 m33 Users
1: Put the "SLES02965" folder in the "PSP/Game"
2: Make Sure you are using the Sony NPD9660 Driver otherwise the game will crash on warning screen
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