Fallout is a computer role-playing game produced by Tim Cain, developed by Black Isle Studios (though before the studio was named "Black Isle") and published by Interplay in 1997. The game has a post-apocalyptic setting in the late 22nd century, though its story and artwork are heavily influenced by the post-World War II nuclear paranoia of the 1950s.
The game is sometimes considered to be an unofficial sequel to Wasteland, but it could not use that title as Electronic Arts held the rights to it, and, except for minor references, the games are set in separate universes. It was also intended to use Steve Jackson Games's GURPS system, but that deal fell through, forcing Black Isle to change the already implemented GURPS system to the internally developed SPECIAL system.
Gameplay in Fallout consists of traveling around the game world, visiting locations and interacting with the local inhabitants, typically in real-time. Occasionally, inhabitants will be immersed in dilemmas which the player may choose to solve in order to acquire karma and experience points. Alternately, the player may choose to ignore requests for help, in which case he or she has the option of acting on behalf of an opposing faction, or purely in self-interest. Experience points may still be rewarded if the player acts for an opposing interest or in self-interest. Ultimately, players will encounter hostile opponents (if such encounters are not avoided using stealth or diplomacy), in which case they and the player will engage in combat.
Combat in Fallout is turn-based. The game uses an action point system wherein, each turn, multiple actions may be performed until points no longer remain in the point pool. Different actions consume different numbers of points, and the number of points that can be spent may be affected by such things as drugs or perks. The order in combat is determined by the Perception attribute. Characters with a higher statistic in this attribute will be placed at an earlier position in the sequence of turns.
Players may engage in melee or ranged combat, including the use of energy weapons and bare-handed fisticuffs. Each weapon/combat type has an associated skill, which is based upon an attribute, and may be further enhanced or diminished by perks. Players may equip at most two weapons, and the weapon being held is activated by clicking on its icon using the mouse. Opposing characters will likewise be equipped with similar weapons; animal combatants will engage in mele? combat.
The game takes place in 2161 in Southern California and begins in Vault 13, the protagonist's home. Vault 13's Water Chip, a computer chip responsible for the water recycling and pumping machinery, has broken. The Vault Overseer tasks the protagonist with finding a replacement. He or she is given a portable device called the "PIPBoy 2000" which keeps track of mapmaking, quest objectives, and various bookkeeping aspects. Armed with the PIPBoy 2000 and meager equipment, which includes a small sum of bottle caps, which are used as currency in the post-apocalyptic world (They also appear in the sequel, Fallout 2, though the institution of a more conventional form of hard currency has rendered them worthless, as the player character remarks upon finding a hidden stash of caps), the protagonist is sent out into the remains of California to find another Water Chip.
System Requirements:
CPU:Pentium 900 MHz
DirectX 3.0 or 5.0
SVGA, DirectSound-compatible sound card.
700 MB Free Hard Disk Space
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