As you know, the latest EA installment will be released only for consoles, so we have only one chance this year to simulate in FIFA world the most important national teams tournament, the World Cup championship.
Based as a mode and developed by the best modders arround the world, the game will ensure the best FIFA PC experience in the history.
Key Features
� "Everyone can play in the 2010 FIFA World Cup" -> Even if you live in countries like Andorra or San Marino, you can win the trophy with your national team recreating the road to world cup, and beating then, for the trophy, with Spain, Brazil, Argentina etc.
� Top-Class Authencity -> Over 125 fully licensed teams with specific performance and team chants, with more than 75 unique stadiums, and with precisive real fixtures, you will enjoy FIFA as never before
>Other things like the improved commentary callnames and responsiveness, new, and official WC 10 soundtrack, realistic pop-ups and scoreboard and the last, but not at least, the World Cup 10 specific menu will take the authencity to the next level.
Don't forget about the new cinematics and international referees, that will improve the match realism, too
� Enhanced Gameplay -> Things such as defending, passing, shooting, crossing and defending are enhanced to make sure the experience is the best while playing with the AI.The animations are also more smooth deliviring a true football simulation that was never seen ever before in a FIFA PC game.The computer will find the best choice that could be taken, in order to smash up your country.Take care on corners and free-kicks, too.The reworked set pieces will take the realism to a higher stage in this mode.
� Refined Graphics -> Things such turfs, crowds, kit models, nets looking & moving and remade player faces are the most important features in graphics department.The High-Quality resolution kits and boots provide you the most realistic experience you've ever seen in the beautiful FIFA game, meant to be played on the PC.
� Overhauled Match-Day Atmosphere: Be sure you'll have a unique experience while playing the game.The improved commentary callnames and responsiveness aswell as the refined sound elements like crowds reactions, ball sounds, coach speech during the matches etc. will provide a great match-day atmosphere.
� Online Play -> As long as both users have the mode installed, they can fight each other in a epic match between the best teams during the half-time of the real World Cup 10 finals, via Hamachi & Direct IP
� Much more
How to Play on the World Cup ?
It's very simple.Just unrar this archive to a desirable path, open the game using it's proper launcher, then go to "Game Modes -> Tournament -> New Tournament -> 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Finals"nation in both qualifying & final tournament and compete against the award winning AI.
Do you live in Romania and you must see the real thing on TVR HD ? In the brand new WC game you can manage your team better than Lucescu and fight for playing on Durban in the real qualifying fixtures stage
>We have added a lot of FIFA 10 improvements in the World Cup game, and the result is a magnificent product, but being just modders, and not professional programmers, we also have a few issues we already know about, that, unfortunately, cannot be fixed by us
� the soundtrack is working only before playing the first match, after that it's unplayable, being a limitation of audio.big file while editing the soundtrack & the song names
� if you load the game dirrectly from "WCSA10.exe" you won't be able to exit it, because our all new launcher developed from the scratch has a problem, blocking "Exit to Windows" function.Also, it seems like the "Alt + F4" combo only freezes the game.You can still exit from the game using "Ctrl + Alt + Delete" and closing it searching in the list of your software processes.
That's why we recommend you to open the game from the launcher.It activates a function set to "F12" which is automatically closing the game while being pressed, at any time, so you can use it as an "Alt + F4" function.
� due to some incompatibilities we've met, the game won't features team anthems, at least not at moment.If we'll be able to fix them, we'll release a game update with them later.
� rarely, you will notice that the commentators are triggering some samples regarding WC at the beginning of the match on lower volume.We've had not to increase the volume of a few samples, because otherwhise the commentary wouldn't work anymore.Fair enough, because usually you'll hear very well the two commentators speeches regarding World Cup.
� in FIFA PC database you can assign everytime only one stadium to a team.That means that if you assign "Moses Mabhida - Durban" stadium to Spain, that team will also play qualification matches on Durban, and not on Bernabeu.We decided to assign World Cup Stadiums for Qualified teams because the mode is based on the final tournament.
You can still change your teams stadiums using Creation Master 10.For example, if you wanna play qualifications stages with Spain, you can assign Bernabeu as they home Stadium in Qualifications stage period, and when you begin the final World Cup tournament, using the same Creation Master 10, assigning of the licensed World Cup stadiums to the same Spain team.
� sometimes the "Replay" stutters very bad
� since we implemented the new console World Cup 10 menu style, the stadiums GUI has dissapeared, being replaced with a simple "Black" colour.Joking a bit, it's not a big problem, now you can enjoy at maximum the team logos quality.
� if you create another game profile, the mode will crash automaticallyEven so, we still think you'll find in our game an enjoyable recreation of the real 2010 FIFA World Cup
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